In the last years, use of Drones for aerial monitoring, audiovisual production, or just for leisure, has increased significantly. But this use requires some care. Since May 2017, ANAC (National Civil Aviation Agency) has required registration of the Drones in the Unmanned Aircraft System (SISANT), and Civil Aviation Insurance (Air Explorer or Carrier Civil Liability) for drones weighing more than 250 grams and for professional use; however, the Hull Insurance (optional) is also available. Prospecto Seguros helps its clients in hiring out these insurances, check out some details below: Civil Aviation: annual Civil Liability insurance. It covers material or personal damages caused to third parties, who are not related to the insured in any way whatsoever. HULL: insurance that covers damages and total loss due to falling pursuant to mechanical, electronic or battery failures. The damages caused to the equipment coupled to the drones can be included as well.